Is a 100-mpg Gas Car Possible?
Systems engineering has a long history despite not becoming a formalized discipline until after World War 2. What is systems engineering? Basically, it is the overarching management of large or complex design projects: identification of customer needs and market, development of requirements, control of subsystems and integration, etc. For example, how is a modern airliner built? First, a preliminary design study is completed, often lasting a few years, before requirements are finalized and the basic design of the vehicle is established; then, detailed design work can begin, which usually takes several years to complete. Finally, verification and certification testing are completed, after which the vehicle can be released. All these processes are overseen by systems engineers. The evolution of automotive systems engineering in one picture. As time goes on, the product is more technically complex and requires more rigorous control of various inputs in the design process. Similarity Analy...