Light Vehicle Efficiency Over Time

In the first chapter of Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles you will find, regardless of edition, an excellent overview of the history of passenger vehicle aerodynamics written by Wolf-Heinrich Hucho. In it is this chart, showing the general trend of drag coefficients over time : This is from the most recent edition, published 2016. This gives us an idea of progress in reducing drag coefficients (at least in European cars, but I imagine a chart of American or Asian cars would show the same), which you can see sometimes moves in fits and starts before plateauing for a while. Generally , the trend over time is that drag coefficients get smaller, and it is assumed that cars become more efficient as a result. But is this really what’s happened? Sure, cars are more efficient now—but how much more efficient? And is all of that attributable to a decrease in drag coefficients? I found myself wondering this over the last several weeks as I’ve played around with various models simulating roa...