Investigating Separation

Nearly a year ago, I was sitting in an incompressible flows class when the professor said something I had never considered before. Loss of lift over an airfoil after stall, she claimed, is caused by a pressure increase due to flow separation over the upper surface. This was contrary to everything I thought I knew about separated and attached flow. Keep flow attached, the conventional wisdom goes, over a tapered shape for greatest pressure recovery and lowest drag (and “zero lift” on a ground vehicle, if you believe some people online, which you shouldn’t); if the flow separates, the pressure drops behind the separation point. Yet in this case, it must be true that separation increases pressure—otherwise, airfoils would not lose lift in stall. Conventional wisdom, as is so often the case, does not tell us the whole story. The effect of separation on surface static pressures and, consequently, lift and drag can be complicated. To investigate, I decided to run some tests. Yo...